Education & Qualification
โข Any Graduated, more prefer to holding in SHRM, HR Diploma or similar relevant field
โข Minimum of 6 years of experience in Human Resources, minimum of 3 years of direct recruitment experience in Bankingย Industry
โข Experience with (phone and in-person) interviews, candidate screening and evaluation
โข Experience supporting the recruitment function
โข Experience with applicant tracking systems on job portal and social networks for recruiting
โข Experience with scheduling meetings using web-conference software (such as Zoom and Teams)
Job Related knowledge / Specific Skills
โข Ability to develop and measure the success of recruitment procedures Effective communication skills.
โข Good understanding of Recruitment processes.
โข Good knowledge of candidates selection methods
โข Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
โข Good interpersonal, presentation and communication skills
โข Ability to develop and measure the success of recruitment procedures
โข Good time-management skills
โข Exceptional work ethic
โข Exemplary communications skills
โข Ability to work independently and as part of a team
โข Great attention to details
โข Ability to work well under pressure
โข Comfortable with some travel
โข Fluency in both English and Myanmar languages.
โข Computer literate and proficient in MS Office Suite and Computer skills.
โข Expert stress management skills and ability to make important decisions under pressure
โข A business partner mindset (interest in learning about how business works and not limit only in HR circle).
โข Conducts interviews in a professional manner.
Job Description
โข Assist HR Head and HR Managers in re-designing recruitment strategies and implementation
โข Manage recruitment & selection process for Managers level and below
โข Build Internal & external talent pools
โข Manage Orientation program
โข Process probationary review
โข Assist to HR Manager in selecting, interviewing, recruiting.
โข Screening applicantsโ personal profiles about their experience, education and skills.
โข Contact references and perform background checks.
โข Inform applicants about job details such as benefits and conditions.
โข Hire qualified candidates.
โข Conduct new employee orientations.
โข Compile and update employee records.
โข Assist to HR Manager in training, developing, monitoring, and appraising job results.
โข Process documentation and prepare reports relating to personnel activities (recruiting, training, grievances, performance appraising etc).
โข Coordinate HR functions (meetings, training, surveys etc) and take minutes.
โข Deal with employee requests regarding human resources issues, rules, and regulations.
โข Communicate with public services when necessary.
โข Properly handle complaints and grievance procedures.
โข Arrange job fair event
แกแแฏแแบแแปแพแฑแฌแแบแแฌแธแแฐแแปแฌแธแแแบ แแญแฏแแบแแฑแธแแญแฏแแบแแฌแกแแปแแบแกแแแบแ แแแฌแกแแแบแกแแปแแบแธ แกแแฑแฌแแบแกแแฌแธแแญแแนแแฐแ (แ)แแกแแฝแแบแธแแญแฏแแบแแฐแธแแฌแธแแฑแฌ แแฑแฌแแบแ
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แฌแ แแฒแ
แบแแพแฏแแแบแธแแพแแบแธ แแผแฑแฌแแบแธแแฑแฌแแบแแถแแปแแบแ แกแญแแบแแฑแฌแแบแ
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แฌแแแบแธแแปแฌแธแแญแแนแแฐแแพแแทแบ แแแแบแแฏแแบแแแบแธแกแแฝแฑแทแกแแผแฏแถ แกแแฑแฌแแบแกแแฌแธแแญแแนแแฐแแปแฌแธ แแฐแธแแฝแฒแแปแพแแบ แกแแพแแบ(แ)แ แแฏแแบแแแบแแแบแธแแพแแทแบ (แแ)แแแบแธ แแฑแฌแแทแบแ แแญแฏแแบแแแฑแฌแแบแแผแญแฏแทแแแบแ แแแบแแฏแแบแแผแญแฏแทแ, phone. 09 265099907 แแญแฏแท (แแ-แแ-แแแแ) แแแบแแฑแท แแฑแฌแแบแแฏแถแธแแฌแธแแฑแธแแญแฏแท แแปแพแฑแฌแแบแแฌแธแแญแฏแแบแแซแแแบแ
Job Type: แกแแปแญแแบแแผแแทแบ
Job Location: แแแบแแฏแแบ